Wednesday 13 August 2014


When I packed for this holiday, I didn't realise mountain climbing was in our plans. But when we got here, I slowly came to the realisation that heels and frills weren't an option. So I found myself with a very limited amount of appropriate outfits and most all, shoes to wear without twisting my ankle every minute!

The place we are staying at is wonderful, it's called Lunigiana and it's located in north Tuscany, Italy. I just didn't realise it was literally on the top of a mountain! This is the outfit I put together when we went to dinner the other day. In order to get to the restaurant we had to (of course!) trek, so I sadly couldn't wear heels.
Anyway I wasn't gonna go to dinner in my trekking suit! I chose the comfiest outfit I had , but keeping it as tasteful and voguish as possible.

Top : Primark
The Comfy&Loose Shorts: Nasty Gal
Black Sheer Kimono: New Look
Statement Necklace: Asos Marketplace 'ThePrettyShop'
Tan&Black Leather Body Bag: Asos Marketplace
White Flatforms: Primark 
French Manicure: H&M

Lots of love, Giulia xxx


  1. Does that mean beautiful in dutch (I looked it up on the dictionary)? :) if so, thank you so much doll x

  2. I love your outfit! I had a similar problem when I went to Germany, the weather station said it would rain everyday but it was actually super hot everyday so most of my jumpers never got used at all! xo

  3. thanks hun! ughh so annoying when you plan all your outfits and get to use barely one! love your blog x
