Wednesday 20 August 2014


Choosing what to wear when you can't tell if you're more cold than hot can be hard. Some people like to replace all their summer clothes in their wardrobe with the winter ones. I personally don't really fancy doing that, mostly because in winter, I still use my summer clothes to layer my outfits. However yesterday was a bit chilly for my taste and I had to go to town, maily walking outdoors.

 I didn't want to wear a jacket, simply because I always end up taking it off and carry it - annoying and uncomfortable! So I decided to wear a pastel blue jumper and mom jeans. If colder, try layering your jumper with a collared blouse. When you wear mom or boyfriend jeans don't forget to tuck in your top, as it gives the outfit a urban touch. So here it goes :

 Baby Blue Jumper: Vintage Shop in Worcester
Mom Jeans: Brandy Melville
Ankle Boots: River Island
Pastel Necklace: New Look
Bag: ASOS Marketplace
Sunnies: Somewhere in Belgium :D

Lots of love, Giulia xxx


  1. i love how 90's this look is. You look fab!!

    Aimée ¦

    1. oohhh thank you honey, glad you like it :') x
